How To Insert Update And Delete Using Php And Mysql
Welcome to PHP OOPs Tutorials.This example explains how to insert, update, delete record using PHP and MYSQL. The example gives you clear picture to handle a class with insert, update and delete functions to perform actions against MYSQL table. In the given example:User enters the value inside the field, and click on Insert is stored inside the database table. Picture Style Canon 5d Mark Ii Cinema Cafe here. Font Like Dot Matrix Printer. Second button is to display the value when user click on show button all information will display and with all rows a delete and edit link also displayed. Whenever user want to update he has to click on edit link or can click on delete link to delete the information.
• CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `student` ( • `SID` int (100) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, • ` Name ` varchar (100) NOT NULL, • `Address` varchar (500) NOT NULL, • `Email` varchar (100) NOT NULL, • `Mobile` varchar (25) NOT NULL, • PRIMARY KEY (`SID`) • ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=31; Open your instance of Visual Studio 2012, and create a new ASP. Hp G60 100em Xp Drivers. NET Web application. Name the project “MYSQLCRUDApplication ', as shown in the following figure: In the code behind file (Student.aspx.cs) write the code as in the following. • <%@ Page Title= ' Language= 'C#' MasterPageFile= '~/Site.Master' AutoEventWireup= 'true' • CodeBehind= 'Student.aspx.cs' Inherits= 'MYSQLCRUDApplication.Student'%>• • • Simple Insert Select Update and Delete in ASP.NET using MySQL Database • • • • • • • Name: • • • • • • • Address: • • • • • • Mobile: • • • • • • Email ID: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Total Student: • • • • • • • • • In the Web.config file create the connection string as in the following.
In this article, I will be presenting simple PHP & MySQL code to add, edit, delete and view data. This kind of system is also referred to CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete). Here is a step-by-step guide on creating a CRUD system using PHP & MySQL: First of all, we will create a new MySQL database.
Let us name the database as ‘ test‘. Create database test; Then, we will create a new table in database ‘test’. Let us name the table as ‘ users‘.
Use test; CREATE TABLE users ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, name varchar(100) NOT NULL, age int(3) NOT NULL, email varchar(100) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( id) ); Now, we will create a config.php file which contains database connection code. This code connects to the MySQL database. This file is included in all PHP pages where database connection is necessary. Config.php In below code, the database host name is localhost where username=root and password=root. The database test has been selected. Each row of data can be edited separately. Row ID is passed in the URL of edit.php.