John White Pole Shift Pdf Printer

John White Pole Shift Pdf Printer

John White Pole Shift Pdf Converter. White areas are existing land. Areas are remaining land that will be above water after the Earth shift. Hp Hs2340 Driver there.

Weather extremes, more violent hurricanes, increasing numbers of tornadoes, increasing numbers of earthquakes, colder winters. Is it a Pole shift?

Tornadoes seem to be increasing. Earthquakes are occurring in unprecedented numbers. Some of the largest hurricanes and gales ever, have occurred in recent times. During colder months some of the most severe blizzards on record have also been recorded.

In recent years different theories have arisen to explain the weather changes or climate change as some like to call the phenomena. Theories regarding the coming of new ice age or a green house effect vied for dominance.

But a new version of an old theory is taking hold due to new findings by NASA and NOAA. That would be that the earth seems to be in the middle of a magnetic pole shift, and the ongoing theories are that magnetic pole shifst can cause extreme weather. I first heard of what is called a “Pole Shift” in the early 1980s. I ran across the concept in some readings given by the famous psychic Edgar Cayce, also known as “the Sleeping Prophet”. Cayce predicted a sequence of events near the turn of the century that would culminate in a shift in the earth’s poles.

He said that many landmasses would disappear “in the twinkling of an eye.” He meant they would sink under the sea during massive great quakes that this pole shift would trigger. Edgar Cayce has mentioned ice ages in the past being triggered by sudden earth changes originating inside the earth as in gas pockets exploding. Driver Hp Laserjet P1102w Linux Educacional there. He has mentioned this in conjunction with many of his readings regarding Atlantis. Cayce’s more dire predictions regarding the destruction of many major landmasses have yet to pan out. However so many of Cayce’s readings contained true and leading edge information, what he has said should still not be taken lightly. Talk in the 1970’a Was of An Impending Ice Age Then talk in the 1970’s turned to reports that “scientists” feared the earth was entering another ice age due to the extremes of cold weather that were hitting all over the US during that time period.

The leading scientists of the day and studies funded by the CIA concluded that a “man-made ice age” was well underway. Numerous books, articles and scientific reports were published regarding fears of an impending ice age in the 1970’s. Many books in have been written on theories involving a new ice age or a pole shift or a new ice age because a magnetic pole shift happens. One book in particular had the forward to it written by Albert Einstein, whose theories of relativity contributed to the development of the atomic bomb and atomic physics. Global Warming or Global Cooling?