Node Js Php Serialize Function
Dear all, I'm tired of the poor syntax of Step or Async or any other existing flow control libraries. I created a new flow control library in nodejs: Serialize (Here's a brief introduction. There's more in the Github page. Serialize A simple node utility to serialize execution of asynchronous functions. Hp Compaq Dc7900 Convertible Minitower Drivers Windows Vista there.
What does it do? Driver Hp Compaq 8100 Elite Sff Pc. Asynchrony in nodejs is great, except that it makes your code looks horrible because of all the callbacks.
Functions can make development even more productive, and you can use your development language of choice, such as C#, F#, Node. Hp F380 Driver Windows Media. js, Java, or PHP. Pay only for the time your code runs and trust Azure to scale as needed. In php.js the serialize() converts a storable representation of a value. Serialize() function. The serialize() function is used to get a string representation of a variable.
If you use synchronous functions, which give you good-looking, easy-to-read code, they will block the thread and make your server not responsive. Here's serailize to the rescue! Serialize converts your asynchronous functions into serialized versions.
Serialized functions are executed one after another, without explicitly chaining them with callback functions. Serialize does *NOT* execute the function synchronously (block the thread), it just serialize the execution of asynchronous functions. So that it makes the code looks synchronous, but it is actually ascynhronous underneath. How to use it? To create a serialized version of an asynchronous function, call serialize with it.