Project Report On Social Networking Site In Php Pdf
Project report of social networking web sites 1. Project Report On File (Text/Video) Compression And DecompressionSubmitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelors of Technology In Computer Science & Engineering Submitted By: Dileep kumar seth (Roll No. ) Mohit Pant (Roll NO. Related projects: Social networking site project in php Download Social Networking Website Project Documentation. « Robotics in Biomemics Snake Robot PDF » Technical Paper on Socket Programming in JAVA.
![Project Report On Social Networking Site In Php Pdf Project Report On Social Networking Site In Php Pdf](
College Networking Site, developed using PHP and database, is similar to popular social networking site like Facebook. But, it is not fully social as it is reserved for students only. With this application, college students can share information between them such as educational materials, their profiles, images, videos, and more. You can download the complete source code, and necessary project files of this networking project from the link below. Also, available in the download file are project documents: system testing, system design with DFD diagrams, paper presentation, and database design. This project is briefly introduced below, so you can refer the description here as general abstract of this project. Download College Networking Site using PHP-MySQL with Source Code [sociallocker] with Source Code and Documents [/sociallocker] College Networking Site Project Abstract: A social networking site restricted to college and the students enrolled there, College Networking Site provides a platform via which can share information between them.
No matter where students are located – in what country or part of the world, with this application college students can get connected for meaningful educational purposed. In order to use the college networking site, students must be college students and they must create an account. Account creation for other users is restricted.
Students can send friend requests to each other, and after that they can send messages, find old friends, share materials and stay connected. Features: • It connects students from different countries and part of the world.
• Students can share and collect knowledge by connecting with each other. • Educational materials such as question papers, tutorials, project materials, and presentations can be shared. • With this application, students can create their individual profiles and upload images, files, and videos. • It provides other social networking features such as and groups, video sharing, articles, etc. Inside the Application – System Design: Applicable Document: • Profile detail: It manages and stores students’ profile information.
• Education detail: It stores education articles, tutorials, questions papers, etc that are shared by students. • Upload detail: It holds images, videos, and any other information uploaded into the application. Functional Decomposition: • Student profile • Education profile • Education articles • Images and videos • Quiz, question papers, question-answers, etc. Functional Components: Functional Component 1: Student Profile • Input – Student adds profile information and education details. • Process – System checks previous student account and education details.
• Output – Student can view education detail and profile details. Functional Component 2: Tutorials • Input – Student uploads education articles, tutorials, images, videos, etc. • Process – System uploads education articles, tutorials, images, videos to database.
• Output – Student can view uploaded education articles, tutorials, images, videos, etc. Functional Component 3: Admin • Input – Admin can upload and share video tutorials, question papers, books, etc. • Process – System uploads education tutorials, question papers, books to database.
Lexmark Z1300 Printer Driver Windows 8. Driver Canon Lbp 1120 Windows 7 64bit. • Output – Student can view uploaded tutorials, question papers, books, etc. Also see, Conclusion: With this college networking website application you can connect with friends, find old friends, share pictures and messages, and reach out to new people registered into the application you’ve never met before.
There may be rooms for enhancements and improvements in this project, so students are recommended to work on that to make this application a better one.
East Asian Languages Installation Files For Canon on this page. Social networking sites allow users to communicate with people, share ideas, activities, events, and interests within their individual networks. Social network sites such as MySpace, Facebook, Orkut, and Google+ have attracted millions of users, many of whom have integrated these sites into their daily practices. There are hundreds of Social Networking Sites, with various technological affordances, supporting a wide range of interests and practices.
Sites also vary in the extent to which they incorporate new information and communication tools, such as mobile connectivity, blogging, and photo/video-sharing. While Social Networking Sites have implemented a wide variety of technical features, their backbone consists of visible profiles that display an articulated list of Friends one who are also users of the system. Each profile in Social Networking has unique ID. After joining an Social Networking Sites, an individual is asked to fill out forms containing a series of questions. The profile is generated using the answers to these questions, which typically include descriptors such as age, location, interests, and an 'about me' section.