Simple Rmi Program Using Netbeans With Php

Hp Laserjet 1018 Printer Driver Windows Xp here. In short, RMI is remote method invocation. RMI allows a program to invoke methods on an object when the object is not located on the same machine as the program. Star Envelope Printer Pro Serial. This is at the heart of distributed computing in the Java world, and is the backbone of EJB as well as many enterprise application implementations. Without getting into too much detail, RMI uses client stubs to describe the methods a remote object has available for invocation. The client acts upon these stubs (which are Java interfaces), and RMI handles the 'magic' of translating requests to a stub into a network call. This call invokes the method on the machine with the actual object, and then streams the result back across the network.

Finally, the stub returns this result to the client that made the original method call, and the client moves on. The main idea is that the client doesn't typically worry about the RMI and network details; it uses the stub as if it were the actual object with implemented methods. RMI (using JRMP, Java's remote protocol) makes all this network communication happen behind the scenes, allowing the client to deal with a generic exception ( java.rmi.RemoteException) and spend more time handling business rules and application logic. RMI can also use different protocols such as Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP), allowing communication between Java and CORBA objects, often in different languages such as C or C++. RMI carries a cost, though. First, using RMI is resource-intensive.

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